Thursday, October 31, 2019
Architecture and History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Architecture and History - Essay Example Thus, the San Francisco Public Library remains to be one of the best examples of modern day architecture, which is characteristic of the most artistic era, the Renaissanceperiod, through its basic features such as the columns, the arches, the symmetry etc. The San Francisco Public Library is basically a civic building, which means it was mainly built with the public in mind. Thus, rather than merely providing a place with â€Å"a stack, a counter and a table†that define ‘library’ for some people, Kelham went the extra mile and turned the area of above 375000 square feet into an architectural bliss (Allen â€Å"photo_2_12_†). The hard work that went behind its engineering are proven from the sheer beauty of the library both in terms of its exterior as well as interior design. The library is built in the civic center, which is located at the heart of the San Francisco City, and is thus easily accessible to the general public. As the building finds its roots in the Italian Renaissance, it becomes clear that it takes inspiration from ancient Roman and Greek architecture. Although much of the architecture and design of ancient civilizations was lost due to the perils of time, their ruins retained the basic features of designing and this is what shaped the renaissance architecture. The main features of buildings belonging to that period include symmetry, use of columns as well as arches and domes. These features can be primarily traced back to the Roman Coliseum, which was a theatre as well as a stadium all in one.It was a civic building, which mainly aimed at the entertainment of the ruler but at the same time, the public too. Thus, it may be also perceived as a commercial building too as the profit generated from the entry fees mainly goes to the ruler. However, as time passed by the public’s worship shifted from the ruler tothat of the gods and religious beliefs. It can be seen that the usage of the civic buildings changed from t hat of entertainment to religious purposes. Thus, later on these attributes became to be increasingly used in the construction of religious monuments. Through this transition in the usage of the buildings, it actually made the ancient architectural citation more significant as during that time it was religion that ruled the public. Therefore, the aforementioned characteristicswere seen to be widely present in the churches constructed in the Italian Renaissance period.These churches had arches representative through a centralized door as well as rows of windows. This same attribute is intrinsic to the San Francisco Public Library with its arched doorways and windows. However, the library has its own style in the sense that it also contains rectangular windows on the top floor. On the other hand, these features were also present in ancient Greek ruins of temples, which were needless to say, built for religious purposes. For example, the temples built in Athens and other such areas bas ically involved the use of columns and entablature that consisted of architrave, frieze and cornice. Additionally, columns, which were an important part of these religious buildings, were mainly of three types, namely, the Doric, Ionic and Tuscan. On analysis of the columns of the San Francisco Public Library, it becomes clear that the columns are of the Tuscan order as the columns are not fluted and are basically plain, and also due to the fact that they are built on a circular base rather than a rectangular one. Symmetry that was an important characteristic
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Disabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Disabilities - Essay Example It simply means we are calling ourselves " abled". The Smith College Office of Student Affairs issued a pamphlet that defines "ableism" as "oppression of the differently abled, by the temporarily abled." The term "differently abled" was "created to underline the concept that differently abled individuals are just that, not less or inferior in any way..." "Ageism," according to the pamphlet, is "[o] oppression of the young and old, by young adults and the middle-aged, in the belief that others are 'incapable' or unable to take care of themselves." Disability should be perceived as an aspect of human diversity and not as an "abnormality". Terms like" differently abled" not only aim at being politically correct but also serve to remove physical and attitudinal barriers in various aspects of life. Literature and media has forever used words terms describing differently abled peolple that have negative, de-personalizing connotations and reinforce the stigma of these people and promote the idea of summing up a persons identity with a disability that he/she has. The sense of superiority and the illusion of power in us stems from our inflated egos because we take our lives and our living for granted. The "what -if-I was -one -of -them" factor never crosses our mind. We fail to realize that our bodies are not an everlasting bunch of tissues. Each cell in our bodies has a fixed life span and if the cell dies before we do, it results in disability. The condition of wellness we presently enjoy is not permanent but just a passing phase. We are al "temporary abled bodies" which means if we are lucky enough to live long enough , each one of us will come to face with a disability which is an inevitable part of ageing and degenerative process provided we don't meet with an accident or illness before that! Disability is an integral part of human existence and the only difference lies in the number of "disabled years" that we live. For some it might be their entire lifetime and for others it might be just the last few days of their existence. Indeed, m ost of us will experience disability in ourselves or in someone close to us at some point in our lives and we too will have to reach out to others - to family, friends, neighbors, strangers and even the government for a helping hand. We must understand that our distance from disability closes every second we live. This may sound as a morose and debilitating statement and very pessimistic too but that should not stop us from living our lives and fulfilling our dreams in anticipation of a life of chronic pain ahead! If we find it difficult to expand our definition of "normal" so much so that it accommodates what we call "disabled", I think it makes more sense to call ourselves" temporarily abled". This would place every human being on an equal platform with no obstacle to the right to fully participate in the society. It would also broaden the general perspective regarding "norms" which we have established for a normal, healthy and fulfilling existence. Research has shown that approximately 3% of all children born globally will be uniquely different - born to this world challenged in extraordinary ways. Also, one out of five adults between the ages of 45 and 65 will experience some form of disability for an extended period, and that 43 % of those over age 65 will
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Personal Statement for College Application
Personal Statement for College Application My College Right after high school, I plan to attend McLennan Community College. The main reason I choose this college is because it is very affordable and its close to home. I want to study Radiology and this school offers a good associates program for this. I would want to earn my bachelors degree from Texas Tech University. Texas Tech has always been a dream school for me, but unfortunately my family does not have the money to support me at that university. Either way Im happy to stay close to my family and go to McLennan Community College. My older siblings encouraged me to choose MCC, they showed me the different programs they offer, scholarship opportunities, and what really impressed me was the University Center they have. McLennan Community College is located in Waco, TX and was established in 1965 by the citizens of McLennan County. The college offers two year associates degrees, technical and vocational courses. The mission of the school is to engage, educate, and enrich the community. MCC has core values that effect all choices, decisions, and actions of the college. The core values are excellence, integrity, innovation, inclusion, collaboration, stewardship, sustainability, and accountability. The University Center at MCC is a partnership with several four-year state universities that offer degree programs on MCCs campus. It offers students the opportunity to earn affordable bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. MCC also offers many scholarships to incoming students and current students. The top scholarships are the presidential, honors, first generation, and McLennan scholars. They also have some student organizations such as Hispanic Student Association, Student Council, and MCC Womens Leadership Association. The McLennan tartan, the wool fabric with the distinctive plaid pattern of the McLennan clan, is the official college banner. The mascot is the Highlander, a Scottish warrior in battle dress with a sword and shield, they call him Mac. There is baseball, mens basketball and golf, for women there is softball, golf and womens basketball. My first semester at MCC I plan on taking four of the recommended core curriculum which are English 1301, Math 1314, Biology 2401, and Psychology 2301. I have applied to many local scholarships and FASFA. My classes are paid for with the FASFA I receive and if I dont get any scholarships I will have to pay for books and supplies with money from myself. I wish to enter in the Radiology program, but before I want to get the core curriculum classes out of the way first and it helps that I am currently taking GOVT 2306 and ECON 2301. During my first year I want to be very successful so I have a higher chance to get scholarships that MCC offers for the rest of my college career. My second semester at MCC, I want to take four classes from the core curriculum. They are English 1302, GOVT 2305, History 1301, and Speech 1311. I hope by my second semester I have received some financial help besides FASFA. If I havent I might consider finding a job on campus to pay for any extra necessities. After my first year is completed at MCC I would like to take at least one summer class to get it out of the way, it would be Art 1301. To start my second year and third semester off I want to take the last of the core curriculum classes and prerequisites that I need to get into the radiology program. The classes would be History 1302, Philosophy 1301, HPRS 1206, and Biology 2402. During this semester I would start applying for the radiology program after I meet with an advisor and get more information on it. If everything goes well I hope to be admitted into the program for the incoming semester. My fourth semester and first semester in the radiology program I would be taking only three classes. These are required once in the program RADR 1203 Patient Care, RADR 1311 Basic Radiographic Procedures, and RADR 1260 Clinical I Radiologic Technology. In this semester I hope to be academically successful and have earned a few scholarships so my parents dont have to be struggling to put me through college. I would also like to be working in a part time job that pays well enough for a college student. Now that my second year is completed, I would start my fifth semester with next classes in the program. Which are RADR 2301 Intermediate Radiographic Procedures, RADR 1313 Principles of Radiographic Imaging I, RADR 2309 Radiographic Imaging Equipment, and RADR 1261 Clinical II Radiologic Technology. Next in my sixth semester I would be taking four of the required courses. These include RADR 2217 Radiographic Pathology, RADR 2313 Radiation Biology and Protection, RADR 2266 Practicum I, and RADR 2205 Principles of Radiographic Imaging II. After this semester I plan on taking a summer class, RADR 1460 Clinical Medical Radiologic Technology, which would have to be paid from my own pocket. In my last fall semester in 2020 I would be taking the last few classes I need to complete the radiology program. Which are RADR 2233 Advanced Medical Imaging, RADR 2240 Sectional Anatomy for Medical Imaging, RADR 2267 Practicum II, and RADR 2360 Clinical IV Medical Radiologic Technology. There is one last course I would have to take but its not said when its offered but its called RADR 2235 Radiologic Technology Seminar. Hopefully everything goes as plan and I would graduate with an associates degree in science for radiology in December 2020 from McLennan Community College. My next goal is to graduate from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center with my bachelors in Clinical Services Management. I hope to have a good job and be able to pay for it. I would also apply for scholarships they offer or finish school through the University Center at MCC where it could be more affordable. Texas Technical University is located in Lubbock, TX established on 1923. The large university is the only campus in Texas to house an undergraduate university, law school, and medical school at the same location. The university offers degrees in more than 150 courses of study through 13 colleges and has 60 research centers and institutes. Residents of Texas pay an annual total price of $18,156 to attend Texas Tech University on a full time basis. Originally named Texas Technological College, the college opened in 1925 with six buildings and an enrollment of 914. Texas Tech is also offered through the MCC university center. Like many big Universities Texas Tech has many student organizations and way many more scholarships for undergraduates and graduate students. Depending on what job I get or scholarships I receive, I would like to move to Lubbock to enroll in the Clinical Services Management program. Living at a campus is something Ive always wanted to experience but if Im not finically ready doing it through MCC is not a problem for me. I would like to start in the spring semester of 2021 right after graduating MCC in December. The first few classes I would take would be HPHM 4302 Financial Management For Clinical Supervisors, HPHM 4303 Principles of Personnel Management For Clinical Supervisors, HPHM 4306 Marketing Principles and Entrepreneurship, and HPHM 4304 Management of Clinical Support Services in Healthcare Organizations. Once Im at TTU I want to be a fulltime student even in the summer so I could finish quicker. Ill be taking four classes in the summer, which are HPHM 4311 US Healthcare System, HPHM 4313 Community Health Issues, HPHM 4314 Quality Assurance/Risk Management, and HPHM 4317 Statistics For Healthcare Supervisors. All of these are hopefully paid for with financial aide. The next semester I have to take five classes and two of them are case studies. The classes are HPHM 4318 Healthcare Law/Ethics, HPHM 4331 Leadership In Healthcare Organizations, HPHM 4401 Healthcare Management Information Systems, and HPHM 4477, HPHM 4478 Case studies. This would be the end of my required core curriculum at TTU. At Texas Tech in order to graduate with your bachelors you would need to have 12 hours of upper level electives of your choice. They offer Capital Project Design, Organizational Behavior, Foundations Of Managed Care, Issues In Gerontology For Healthcare Managers, Integrated Delivery Systems And Organizational Relationships, Long-Term Care Management, and Regulatory Aspects Of Long Term Care. With this plan I would most likely graduate in the spring of 2022 with my Bachelors In Clinical Services Management from Texas Tech University. After graduating with my bachelors I would be able to work at hospitals, clinics, medical and diagnostic laboratories and be paid more than the radiologist that only has an associates degree. My biggest concern would be the financial part of school. I know FASFA can pay for most of my classes but if I receive no scholarships then I would have to get a loan to help me out. Thats why is very important that I stay on top of my work and have good grades to receive any scholarships I can. McLennan Community College is a great fit for me not only because is it affordable but it is close to home and offers a good plan for my education. The radiology program that MCC offers has been praised by many and for right now it seems to be the career I want to pursue.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay - The Fatal State of the Death-Penalty System
The Fatal State of the Death-Penalty System  In 1997, the state of Florida botched Pedro Medina's execution. When the switch was flipped on the 50-year-old electric chair, nicknamed "Old Sparky," the mask covering Medina's face caught on fire. Flames up to a foot long shot of his face for 6-10 seconds. A thick, black smoke filled the room, and the prison guards closed the curtain, hiding the rest of the job from the shocked witnesses. Bob Butterworth, then Florida's attorney general, said that Medina's agonizing death would be a deterrent to crime. People who want to commit murder, he said, better not do so in Florida because "we may have a problem with our electric chair." Such cases are likely to horrify death penalty proponents and foes alike. (After another botched execution in 1999, this time with the new electric chair, Florida gave inmates the option of lethal injection or the chair). What is even more abominable than these clear instances of "cruel and unusual punishment," however, is the mounting evidence that many people being convicted of murder, sent to death row, and probably even executed in the United States are simply not guilty. The only way to reasonably evaluate the system without running the risk of executing more innocents in the process is for Congress to issue an immediate national moratorium on executions. On Jan 31, 2000, Governor George Ryan (R-IL), a death-penalty proponent, announced a moratorium on executions in his state until the system is investigated. Governor Ryan had more than sufficient grounds to say that Illinois's criminal-justice system is "fraught with error": Since 1977, when Illinois reinstated the death penalty (following a 1976 Supreme-Court ruling allowing states to do ... ...s-16,000 of them, dating back five years." While rapists can be feed from prison if DNA evidence clears them, executions are irrevocable. Given the problems in state and national DNA databanks, it is crucial that those on death row get more time to explore any evidence that could exonerate them. Governor George W. Bush of Texas (where 463 people are on death row) maintains that he is certain that every person of the over 100 who have been executed during his tenure is guilty. The fact that Texas has no public-defender system and that Bush has spent much time over the past year campaigning outside the state has not made a dent in Bush's certainty. For those who, regardless of their stance on the death penalty, would like to take the time to examine the evidence and aim for a higher standard, state and national moratoriums are presently the best course of action.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Case Study Bayfield Mud Company Essay
1. What is your analysis of the bag weight problem? The problem begin when Wet-Land Drilling, Inc. had filed a complaint that the bags it received from Bayfield were short-weight, according to previous send the weight of the bags used to be 50 pounds, however the new arrivals show a weight of 47.5 pounds per bag, causing a conflict to the company. The company present the problem as a increased of demand, hiring new employees with a lack of training, new employees occupy the night shift, where old employees check the production, however the double checking of the bag still a problem to the company. First of all we need to analyze and find the errors the process could have, caused by the increased of demand and a lack of control due the old employees, for the analysis I will use the Statistical Process Control (SPC).  ¨Statistical process control (SPC) involves using statistical techniques to measure and analyze the variation in processes. Most often used for manufacturing processes, the intent of SPC is to monitor product quality and maintain processes to fixed targets. Statistical quality control refers to using statistical techniques for measuring and improving the quality of processes and includes SPC in addition to other techniques, such as sampling plans, experimental design, variation reduction, process capability analysis, and process improvement plans. ¨(, Statistical Process Control) We have and average of 50 pound from older shipment, this is the correct weight that the bags should have so, X=50, also we have a standard deviation of 1.2 which is also the desired level, so o=1.2, for the determination of the bags we need to resolve this formula [pic] 0.489 and a 99.73% confidence interval Z = 3: UCL= x+ 3ÃÆ'x=50+3 x 0.4899=51.4697 LCL= x – 3ÃÆ'x=50-3 x 0.4899=48.5303 The Percentage of Bags with Average Weight within Control Limits (Per Shift) Day Shift = 23 bags/24 bags = 96% Afternoon/Evening Shift = 12 bags/24 bags = 50% Night Shift = 12 bags/ 24 bags = 50% 2. What procedures would you recommend to maintain proper quality control? I recommend making a constant control, trying to make the double checked of the bag weight, also is important for the company to create a mean and range charts guide, that will help the employees to make the control of the bags, this also will help bag packers to make and extra control to the bags, avoiding any errors in weight. Is important to buy scales in the production area and in the bag packers area, the scale will be accompanied by the mean and wage charts, reducing the errors of weight. Also use camera in the areas and training process fro new employees about the doze and the mean and wage of every bag. Reference, Statistical Process Control, retrieved 12 August 2010, from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How does J. D Salinger present the narrator in Catcher in the Rye? Essay
In the opening paragraph J. D Salinger presents Holden as having a blunt and aggressive tone which he uses when addressing other characters. As the audience we are shocked at his sheer bluntness but are soon to be aware of the fact that it is all just a front. Holden immediately dives in by telling the reader that he doesn’t ‘feel like going into’ his ‘lousy childhood’ background; however, he is soon indulging the audience with knowledge about his parents. The speed in which it takes him to realise his contradiction could simply be a sign that he’s kept his front up too long and it’s altogether weakening him as a person. Holden then sheds some light on his brother’s career as a successful writer. Holden tells the audience that his brothers ‘got a lot of dough, now’ but how he ‘didn’t use to’. The word ‘use’ in italic font suggests that Holden is still getting over the fact his brother is no longer ‘a regular writer’, he now in Holdens’ mind has a kind of superiority over him, making Holden feel worthless. Holden has displayed a variety of child like traits in his manner of speech and to add to that he then refers his brother as ‘being a prostitute’; to Holden this demeaning word could possibly lower his brothers status to something lower, making them seem as equals and therefore making himself feel better about his lack of success. Holden at this point in the book seems to have no emotional connection to anyone, and this could be partly because his parents and brother were successful in what they do, leaving Holden to feel slightly inferior to them. As the novel progresses Holden drops hints about his time at Pency Prep. Pency Prep’s motto ‘since 1888’ was claiming they ‘have been moulding boys into splendid clear -thinking young men.’ Again Holden shows traits of being somewhat jealous of the fact that he was never ‘moulded’ or simply allowed himself to be ‘moulded’. In retaliation to this he uses sarcasm to emphasis the fact that the school doesn’t ‘do any damn more moulding at Pency then they do at any other school and all the boys probably come to Pency that way’. As previously in the book, Holden is again labelling people who are of a â€Å"higher status†than him, as the reader I think this shows how he has issues with accepting people who are different and he maybe can’t quite understand them, hence his reasoning for using simple idiotic words such as ‘stupid’ and ‘crap’. We are introduced to Selma Thurmer, and as the audience we are aware of his erratic behaviour and are simply shocked at the fact he actually ‘liked’ someone. However, we are soon aware at the fact that he is drawn to her because she is not perfect- nor does she attempt to be. Selma is described as having ‘a big nose and her nails’ are ‘all bitten down’, but Holden could simply be seizing a chance to pity her as others may have done to him , highlighting his brothers success and his failure at Pency Prep. Now in theory, it was Holdens chance to be better than someone else, and his chance to be superior. As the month changes to December in the book, Holden refers to the weather being as ‘cold as a witches teat.’ This simile is affective in a non-typical way. The choice of words are strong as they grasp at the sheer harshness of the coldness, yet they have a childish manner to them. This also refers to Holdens speech. Holden is soon to inform us that he has ‘no gloves or anything’. He is possibly self-loathing and trying to draw sympathy out of the audience; something which he may be deprived of. Towards the end of the extract Holden introduced us to the Spencers, as soon as they’re mentioned he starts to write more about his feeling and less about what physical objects are there. The Spencers house seems familiar to him, suggesting that he’s been there more than once before. When asking whether Mr Spencer has got over the ‘grippe’ he seems genuinely concerned, highlighting to the audience that his old ‘history teacher’ is one of the only people he has a emotional connection with. In conclusion I believe that Holden uses his anger and child-like words as a barrier. He is scared that someone may try to dig deep into his emotional layers and he uses the barrier to stop himself from getting hurt in the future and the present. However, his lack of empathy also suggests that there may be something psychologically wrong with him.
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