Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay On Masculinity - 1259 Words
Differences in gender roles of men and women have been a topic of debate for years. People argue whether there is still masculinity and femininity in today’s society. Masculinity can be defined as being protective, aggressive, assertive, competitive, confident, and independent (Gordon). Femininity can be defined as being honest, loving, kind, empathetic, and nurturing (Dalla-Camina). Masculinity is mainly found in men and femininity is mainly found in women. These differences in gender play a vital role in the workforce. Men and women should have different jobs in the workforce, but there are exceptions. Men and women should have different jobs because of the way their brains work. Brain studies have shown the differences in the†¦show more content†¦Men understand exact sciences, which means that they easily understand data that is given to them and can use it. Women understand social sciences, which means that they understand people and how to act around them (â€Å"Male Brain vs. Female Brain†). As well as brain structure, physical structure plays a role in the jobs of men and women. Men and women can find strength in jobs by how they are built physically. Men are naturally built heavier and stronger than women. This allows for men to complete jobs that involve brute strength. Some of these jobs include being a crew member on a ship, train, or plane. Women don’t normally have as much muscle as men do, they are daintier. A role that women have is to be a mother of her family which involves caring for her children. When children are young, it is best to be gentle with them since they are so fragile. A mother is physically built so that she doesn’t have to worry about crushing a newborn child. This makes women the best choice for nurses who deal with newborn babies. Along with physical structure, how men and women work with or without others can help distinguish jobs meant for them. Different kinds of jobs require you to work with or without people. Men are more inclined to work by themselves rather than with others. This is the case because men tend to work in moreShow MoreRelatedEssay on Masculinity and Race1594 Words  | 7 PagesMasculinity and Race Historically, masculinity in the United States has been constructed as being White Protestant Anglo-Saxon, furthermore heterosexual and in charge of all matters, and this definition sets standards against which other men are measured an evaluated. Michael Kimmel provides a good definition: [†¦], Young, married, white, urban heterosexual, Protestant father of college education, fully employed, of good complexion, weight and height and a recent record in sports(271). Read MoreMasculinity Essay1693 Words  | 7 PagesMasculinity refers to the possession of character traits which are usually associated with men. Masculinity is also referred to as manhood, boyhood or manliness. Examples of character traits which are traditionally cited as masculine include characters such as courage, the fact or state of being independent, and confident and forceful behavior. Through masculinity, it has become almost self-evident that the state of either being a man or woman has become impossible to disentangle in the process ofRead MoreMasculinity Essay1321 Words  | 6 PagesConstruction of Masculinity According to Connell, there are four masculinities present in our society: hegemonic, complicit, marginalized, and subordinate. Hegemonic masculinity is the dominant form of masculinity in society. It is culturally valued as the most type of masculinity. Connell states that the qualities of hegemonic masculinity include heterosexuality, whiteness, physical strength, and suppression of emotions. When men do not fit the characteristics of hegemonic masculinity but they do notRead MoreEssay On Masculinity972 Words  | 4 Pages as well as other students. There is a focus on masculinity, along with behavior and how that behavior is being influenced by the environment. The article focuses on factors such as peer exclusion, the prevalence of violence in the media and most importantly, violence in relation to gender. . In relation to gender, masculinity plays a crucial role in shaping ego and self-esteem. While answering the question â€Å"how does violence relate to masculinity?†it is important that we examine the pressuresRead MoreMasculinity Essay989 Words  | 4 PagesMain idea: High school boys practice compulsive heterosexuality to ensure their masculinity and social status. Compulsive heterosexuality is not particularly associated with sexual orientations, but more to do with behaviors, social interactions, and institutional structures. Male students expressed and measured their masculinity by objectifying girls and their bodies, relentless remarks about sexual conquests, desiring girls, and desired by girls. Being in control of girls’ bodies, overpoweringRead MoreMasculinity Essay1619 Words  | 7 Pages Three common stereotypes associated with masculinity would be self-confidence, aggressiveness, and insensitivity. Self-confidence is a positive trait that men are a ssociated with, however, it can also be a negative trait. Many men are self-confident which helps their self-esteem and boosts their mental image of themselves. Those men who are not self-confident may feel that the stereotype negatively impacts them they may feel like they are not â€Å"man†enough. Men and boys are often stereotyped as beingRead MoreOthello and His Masculinity Essay863 Words  | 4 Pagesl ‘Be a man’, how are ideas of masculinity presented in Othello. Othello is set during the Elizabethan era, where men were considered to be the leaders and women their inferiors. Women were often regarded as the ‘weaker sex’. This patriarchal society and theme of male superiority is portrayed throughout the play. These themes are depicted through the relationships between the characters. Brabantio and Desdemona’s relationship shows how he believed the traditional Elizabethan view, that men wereRead MoreMasculinity Brokeback Mountain Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesThe raison d’etre of the Western is arguably to celebrate masculinity, but Brokeback Mountain is a revisionary Western that challenges definitions of masculinity. Discuss this statement with reference to Jane Marie Gaines’s and Charlotte Cornelia Herzog’s comments on the homoeroticism of the Western. The Western genre is undoubtedly one that is governed by the traditional male hero and its masculine stereotypes. Rarely does the genre break away from this mould, however Ang Lees renowned filmRead MoreEssay about Masculinity786 Words  | 4 PagesMasculinity The definition of masculinity; Is the fact of being a man or having qualities considered typical of a man. I was stuck in that sentence that what is the qualities considered typical of a man. What is the quality of man, what is considered as a typical of a man? 1. Identities According to Victor, since the 1960s the challenges of feminism made men feel uneasy and confused about their power and identity. Women insisted that men had also to be more emotionally involved in relationshipRead MoreFeminism and Masculinity Essay836 Words  | 4 Pagescontemporary society, hegemonic masculinity is defined by physical strength and boldness, heterosexuality, economic independence, authority over women and other men, and an interest in sexual relationships. While most men do not embody all of these qualities, society supports hegemonic masculinity within all its institutions, including the educational institute, the religious institute and other institutes which form the ideological state apparatus. Standards of masculinity vary from time to time, from
Monday, May 18, 2020
Punctuating With Semicolons Avoiding the Full-Stop
The semicolon (;) is a mark of punctuation most commonly used to separate independent clauses that share the same general idea or ideas, suggesting a closer connection between the clauses than a period does. English author Beryl Bainbridge described the semicolon as a different way of pausing, without using a full stop. Semicolons still appear fairly often in academic writing; however, they have fallen out of fashion in less formal kinds of prose  as Associated Press editor Rene Cappon advises, you would do well to keep semicolons at a minimum. That said, semicolons can also be used to separate items in a series containing commas to distinguish each item from the next group of items. Learning how to use the semicolon effectively can drastically improve the flow and clarity of a written work. Rules and Usage Although contentious in the modern literary world, semicolon usage has a long history of serving a vital purpose in written English, allowing for a flow and eloquence to prose, a rhythm set by variations in punctuation as well as word choice. The most useful and indeed practical usage rule for semicolons might be its usage to separate items in a list that contains commas. This is especially useful when separating lists of people and their job titles  such as I met John, the painter; Stacy, the business executive; Sally, the lawyer; and Carl, the Lumberjack at the weekend retreat  to prevent confusion. As Irish author Anne Enright put it in Jon Henleys The End of the Line, the semicolon is also useful when you need a sentence to shift or surprise; to be modified or amended; it allows a generosity, lyricism, and ambiguity to creep into the sentence structure. Basically, Enright posits that semicolons have their purpose, but should be used with care to avoid seeming self-indulgent or linking too many independent clauses together without giving the reader a break. The Decline of Semicolons This idea that semicolons are meant to provide a pause but still link independent clauses together in a piece of writing has all but died out in modern English usage, at least according to some English critics like Donald Barthelme, who describes the punctuation mark as ugly, ugly as a tick on a dogs belly. Sam Roberts says in Seen on the Subway, that In literature and journalism, to say nothing of advertising, the semicolon has been largely jettisoned as a pretentious anachronism. Especially by Americans, wherein we prefer shorter sentences without, as stylebooks advise, that distinct division between statements that are closely related but require a separation more prolonged than a conjunction and more emphatic than a comma. Critics across the board argue that semicolons, though highly useful in scholarly articles and academic papers, are best left to use there and have no usage in modern prose and poetry, where they come across as inauthentic and braggadocious. How to Use Semicolons Another possibility is that some writers simply dont know how to use the semicolon correctly and effectively. And so, for the benefit of those writers, lets examine its three main uses. In each of these examples, a period could be used instead of the semicolon, though the effect of balance might be diminished. Also, because in each case the two clauses are short and contain no other marks of punctuation, a comma might replace the semicolon. Strictly speaking, however, that would result in a comma splice, which would trouble some readers (and teachers and editors). Use a semicolon between closely related main clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet). In most cases, we mark the end of a main clause (or sentence) with a period. However, a semicolon may be used instead of a period to separate two main clauses that are closely connected in meaning or that express a clear contrast. Examples: I never vote for anyone; I always vote against.(W. C. Fields)Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.(Christopher Morley)I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean.(G. K. Chesterton)Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.(Peter Drucker) Use a semicolon between main clauses linked by a conjunctive adverb (such as however and therefore) or transitional expression (such as in fact or for example). Examples: Words rarely express the true meaning; in fact, they tend to hide it.(Hermann Hesse)It is forbidden to kill; therefore, all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.(Voltaire)The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.(Bertrand Russell)Science in the modern world has many uses; its chief use, however, is to provide long words to cover the errors of the rich.(G.K. Chesterton) As the last example demonstrates, conjunctive adverbs and transitional expressions are movable parts. Although they commonly appear in front of the subject, they may also show up later in the sentence. But regardless of where the transitional term makes its appearance, the semicolon (or, if you prefer, the period) belongs at the end of the first main clause. Use a semicolon between items in a series when the items themselves contain commas or other marks of punctuation. Ordinarily, items in a series are separated by commas, but replacing them with semicolons can minimize confusion if commas are needed in one or more of the items. This use of the semicolon is especially common in business and technical writing. Examples: The sites being considered for the new Volkswagen plant are Waterloo, Iowa; Savannah, Georgia; Freestone, Virginia; and Rockville, Oregon.Our guest speakers will be Dr. Richard McGrath, professor of economics; Dr. Beth Howells, professor of English; and Dr. John Kraft, professor of psychology.There were other factors, too: the deadly tedium of small-town life, where any change was a relief; the nature of current Protestant theology, rooted in Fundamentalism and hot with bigotry; and, not least, a native American moralistic blood lust that is half historical determinism, and half Freud.(Robert Coughlan) The semicolons in these sentences help readers recognize the major groupings and make sense of the series. Note that in cases such as these, semicolons are used to separate all the items.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Non Profit Organizations That Help Those With Disabilities
Disabled people often deal with many challenges every day. Tasks that normal people do daily are very delicate and difficult for disabled people. People with disabilities are treated differently than those who do not have a disability. A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Learning about people living with a disability can help overcome misinformation and misunderstanding. There are about seven billion people in the world. Approximately fifteen percent of the world’s population lives with some form of disability. There are two types of disabilities - impairment and handicaps. While a disability is a life-changing challenges experience, most people find impressive and innovative ways to cope in their lives. There are many non-profit organizations that help those with disabilities. The Arc is selected as number one on top non-profit working for people with disabilities for more than sixty years and is the largest national community-based organization. They serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, helping to support people with disabilities. Parents who have children with disabilities talk with a group of parents to discuss the problems of disabilities. Parents and The Arc want the children with disabilities have a fulfilling life, and not have a difficult time growing up. The Arc helps make changes for those people diagnosed with other ranges of disabilities. The ArcShow MoreRelatedCultural Change Initiative - Timely, A Non Profit Organization1430 Words  | 6 PagesCultural Change Initiative – Timely, a Non-Profit Organization The organization I would like to lead in a cultural change is a non-profit I have been a volunteer at for over a year. In order to respect the privacy of this non-profit, I will refer to them by the name of Timely. In my time spent at Timely, I have noticed lack of diversity in the board members, employees, and volunteers. The non-profit works towards helping those from a diverse background and demographic. Therefore, I have thoughtRead MoreCultural Change Initiative : Timely, A Non Profit Organization1517 Words  | 7 PagesState College Cultural Change Initiative – Timely, a Non-Profit Organization The organization I would like to lead in a cultural change is a non-profit I have been a volunteer at for over a year. In order to respect the privacy of this non-profit, I will refer to them by the name of Timely. In my time spent at Timely, I have noticed lack of diversity in the board members, employees, and volunteers. The non-profit works towards helping those from a diverse background and demographic. Therefore,Read MoreChanging A Little At A Time1306 Words  | 6 Pagesgoal, to make a difference, no matter how much money I have. I have decided that in my own community I can make a difference with those in poverty, disabilities, and other issues that may arise. Growing up I had big dreams about making a difference. It was something that I felt really strongly about. I had dreams to go live in a foreign county to give service and help their community. I had dreams to go to Zambia, Africa where a family friend established a school. I wanted to go teach at the schoolRead MoreComparative Studies1237 Words  | 5 PagesComparative Studies Dominique Comparative Studies There are many forms of health care organizations, they are grouped by their financial structures, and sources of funding. The three types that exist in the United States are for-profit, non-profit, and government funded organizations. The financial resources and how profit is appropriated are different amongst all three types of organizations. Government Funded The most well-known government funded health care system is the Department ofRead MoreCommunity Service: Specific Programs for Specific Needs1045 Words  | 5 PagesService organizations have always played a vital role in society. For decades, those in need have always been able to find assistance with basic needs at a local church or shelter. As society has evolved, so has the availability and types of assistance that can be found. There are now various charitable organizations offering a wide range of specialized services to those in need. Owasso Community Resources and Goodwill Industries of Tulsa are two such organizations. Both are registered non-profitsRead MoreA Health Care Delivery System905 Words  | 4 Pages Able 2 is a non-profit organization aiming to support, advocate, and provide services to disabled persons. What was once a small, parent-led association for children with cerebral palsy, is now a much larger agency that delivers assistance, housing, and many other services to the developmentally disabled community and their families in the rural areas of upstate New York. Applying the Roemer Model to Able 2’s health care system gives a meaningful understanding of its organization, and recommendationsRead MoreDisabled Care in Brunei914 Words  | 4 Pagescare is categorised as people who are lack of abilities to function properly in their daily life for example physical disability, sensory disability, vision impairment or mental health problems. According to the United Nation, in 2012 there were 4,148 people or 1.06% of the total population consists of people with disability in Brunei (Mahmud, 2013). There are several non-profit organisations established in Brunei with the purpose of providing specialised care for the disabled such as SMARTER, TheRead MoreThe Fight Against Poverty Around The World1394 Words  | 6 Pages The social enterprises open a variety of employment opportunities for the people with disabilities, ma rginalized groups, youth, and women. In many countries the social enterprises are working closely together with the governmental organizations, both at national and local level. Today, entrepreneurs and enterprises with social responsibility around the world receive support from the non-profit organizations, foundations, governments, and individuals. However, despite the fact that the benefitsRead MoreDelivery Of Services At Local Libraries1169 Words  | 5 Pageswould like to participate in. In addition, those who do not require residential care but still are in need of disability services can receive support programs to help with daily functions. Able 2’s Day Habilitation provides their clients with social workers, nursing personnel, speech pathologists, occupational and physical therapy, as well as dietician guidance and physiological support (Able 2, 2016g). In addition to providing outside services to clients, those who require residential care receive aroundRead MoreThe Model Of A Health Care Delivery S ystem1165 Words  | 5 Pagesdelivery system shows the different necessary elements for a system to be successful. As health needs are the input; the system needs resources, organization of programs, economic support mechanisms, and delivery of services to provide the health needs output (Roemer, p 33). Able 2 is an organization that provides services to people with disabilities. They have many resources, but perhaps not enough to meet the health needs of every consumer. They have well organized programs, have economic support
Teacher Centered And Learner Centered Free Essays
Student-Centered Student-centered learning is viewed as a progressive approach to teaching. The focus in student-centered learning is to make students more aware of the material they are learning and why it is important. Teachers want to make students more active in the classroom, by encouraging them to interact with one another. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher Centered And Learner Centered or any similar topic only for you Order Now The teacher measures achievement based on individual student performance, instead of comparing each person to their peers. Teachers practicing student-centered learning techniques encourage students to create their own learning goals. Instead of writing objectives on the syllabus that states the material that will be covered during the course, these teachers write objectives displaying the knowledge the student will gain after completing the course. Teachers encourage students to learn through activities such as classroom debates, discussions, peer mentoring, field trips, creating individual portfolios and participating in both self and peer reviews. By incorporating these activities into the lesson, teachers want students to learn skills that can be transferred to other activities in their students’ lives. Teacher-Centered Teacher-centered learning is the traditional approach used by educators in the classroom. This method of teaching is very regimented. Teachers choose the course material based on the curriculum they are required to cover by the end of the semester. Student success is based upon a measure of individual performance in comparison to the work of the rest of the class. Emphasis is placed on the instructor in a teacher-centered classroom. The lecture follows a strict format where the teacher talks and the students listen to what she has to say. The classroom is very quiet, as students work on assignments individually, instead of with their peers. Classroom objectives are measured upon the amount of material covered, not necessarily the level of learning achieved by each student. Students are all given the same learning goals, which are based on the information covered in class. How to cite Teacher Centered And Learner Centered, Papers
Rhodas Diary The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy Essay Example For Students
Rhodas Diary The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy Essay Entry 1: I dont really want Farmer Lodge to marry another woman, quite obviously. He is my sons father, and my son deserves better than not to have a father. I dont love Farmer Lodge, quite the opposite actually. I did love him once, but not anymore, he has done too much damage to my life. But his marrying has reawakened some of my previous feelings, and as much as I hate to admit, I am a bit jealous of her. I want to know why he chose her. Is she pretty? Tall? What colour hair does she have? What colour eyes? Is she clever? And what does she do for a living? I have heard she is very young, about nineteen some say. Maybe he married a younger woman to have more children. But I suppose if the case was that he wanted more children, then surely hed have married me. I dont know what to think anymore. People have been saying Id be upset by their marriage, but Im not. I only feel bitter towards Farmer Lodge for what he did to me. But I dont believe I should even feel that as he has given me a beautiful son. I sent my son earlier on to have a look at his new wife, he said she was very pretty. I think he was a bit taken by her, but thinking about it, he is at an age where he is taking more interest in women. I only wish he would take interest in girls his own age. However, he also told me that she was a lady complete, not much like a girl of her age. Her ways be quite a womans, he said, her hair is lightish, and her face as comely as a dolls. He also told me her eyes were blue and she has a red mouth and white teeth. Of course she looks better than I do. I asked him to go to the church the next day and tell me if she is tall, and if she has hands that have been worked, worn hands like mine. He came back and told me she was quite short, and her hands were covered with gloves. She seems to be a rich Farmers daughter. Well, Lodge wouldnt even think about marrying a pauper, I know that from experience. Entry 2: I had a dream only a few days ago. I saw a mad woman waving her hand in my face, showing me quite clearly her ringed finger. She was teasing me with her ring as if I were a cat and she a fly. I felt threatened, and she was coming closer. I was scared. She was laughing hysterically. I didnt know what to do. She was so close. I could feel the vibration of her laughter as I shielded my eyes from her. Suddenly, I felt angry. Without thinking I grabbed her arm and hurled her backwards into the wall. It was then that I realised who she was. Gertrude Lodge. I awoke drenched in cold sweat as the clock struck two. Panicking I looked around. I saw no one. I got up and had a look outside on the hill. Nobody was there. I went back to bed. It was just a dream, a nightmare; they come and go all the time. Id have seen Gertrude if she really did come to my home; after all, nobody can disappear over a hill that steep so quickly. Some time later, Gertrude came to our house. She was exactly as my son had described her. She had bought some new boots for him, as if I dont do enough for him. I was thinking about my dream when he was trying on his boots. The boy had said hed heard a noise from my bed that night, but had just ignored it as he thought Id fallen out of my bed. However, this Gertrude was a civilised, kind, caring person, not mentioning considerate. She didnt seem to have the resentment and mad gleam in her eye. As she departed, I said to her, I hope you will find this air will agree with you, maam, and not suffer from the damp water meads. Though now you remind me, she replied, I have one little ailment, which puzzles me. It is nothing serious, but I cannot make it out. And she uncovered her wound. I stared aghast. I didnt know what to say. I didnt have anything to say. It was then that I felt the first twinges of realisation that maybe the gossip was true. Maybe I was witch. I had laughed off the thought, but I was jealous of Gertrude. How did it happen? I said almost inaudibly after Id recovered from the shock. She couldnt tell how it happened, she didnt seem too concerned about it, and thought it would go away in a few weeks. She playfully blamed it on her husband. Then she told me on which night it came, A fortnight ago on the morrow, she said, when I awoke I could not remember where I was till the clock striking two reminded me. I thought then, and it couldnt be coincidence because in the dream I remember feeling her arm when I grabbed it. I feel so guilty. Maybe I have magical powers that I use against my will. How else could she have been struck? It was against my will to hurt her in any way, and Gertrude is such a nice, kind person; I dont want her to find out about what Ive done to her arm. I do so truly and sincerely hope that it will soon heal. Such an innocent, perfect girl, and Ive spoiled her appearance. A level media studies book EssayI dont believe their marriage is going too well and Gertrude apparently hasnt been able to have any children, that was probably why he was pleased to see me, and why he was so eager for my son to win his trial. I have just been to the trial. I wasnt much of a trial. The lawyer defended his case, and in the end there were many people cheering for him. Many people know my son is innocent. But in the end it was the judges decision to execute my son. How dare he play the role of god and decide whether or not a man should die! I am absolutely distraught and totally drained. We havent a hope in the world. Whos going to help us now? Its too late. I think they know hes innocent, but there have been so many suspicious arson attacks in the area that the judge wanted to show the consequences so people get scared to do such things. But I dont think they will understand. I went to see the executor with Mr Lodge, and he said that wed be able to have the body for burial and to come and take it straight after the execution. He also said that they always waited for the morning post in case there is a reprieve of the execution. I do hope very much that there is a reprieve, I cannot bear to see my very own son die, hes the only friend and family Ive got. He is so frightened about the execution. I think he is trying to be brave, however, last night, he was crying and he asked me how I was going to cope without him. I couldnt answer him that. He told me he wished hed never been there at the time of the arson attack, he was only curious to see what was going on. The execution has taken place and I wish not to talk about it. As we went to see his dead body, I saw a women put her arm on my sons neck. At first, I was shocked; horrified by anybody who would want to do such a thing. Then I saw who it was and a huge wave of anger rushed through my body like ice. I stared for a moment, speechless. Then I think farmer lodge realised who it was and called, Damn you! I couldnt control my rage then and suddenly I saw the Gertrude I had seen so many years ago in that dream. I, once again, took her arm and slammed her into the wall with all my might. I was extremely upset. I had my eyes closed and I was weeping. I heard nothing, so I look up and saw that she lying unconscious on the cold stone floor. Within a few days, I heard that Gertrude had died. She had been trying to turn her blood, but it had turned too far. Maybe she was also a witch; she might have cursed the judge into convicting my son guilty. I dont feel anything knowing she is dead. Im not happy because in the end she turned out to be a horrible person. But nor am I sad because she was once a good friend. I have now had enough pain and anguish to last me a lifetime. I dont think my situation can get any worse. Farmer Lodge is leaving Holmstoke and has sold all his property. He sent a message for me to go and live in my old home in Holmstoke. I will be working at the same old dairy where I suppose I will work for the rest of my life. I have heard rumours that Farmer Lodge has died of a heart attack. I dont believe such a thing he was only forty-six. He probably took some drugs. I dont feel upset about his death, but Im not happy about it because he turned out to be a good person in the end and even after everything he did to me, I still forgive him. But I will never be able to forget what he did to me. It will always be there at the back of my mind. Unlike me, Farmer Lodge got nothing out of life, he had a wife, but love only lasted a few months. He had a son who he didnt want, but he never got a son that he wanted who could inherit his fortune. I had a beautiful son to look after, he was the only thing that kept me going, but now I have nothing. I miss my son so terribly, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing I can do to bring him back. Not a moment goes by where I dont think of my son and what he could have been. I often think of what my life would have been like if I hadnt been pregnant. Would Farmer Lodge have married me? Maybe, maybe not, nobody will ever know. I dont know what Im going to do now with my life. I suppose it will revolve around home and work, but I will never be able to improve my life. It will always stay the same, and each day will be the same as the last, nothing will get better, nothing will change.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Divine Revelation free essay sample
What is Revelation? Our starting point is to understand the concept of revelation. A simple definition of revelation is this: revelation is the disclosure or unveiling of something that has been concealed. It is the lifting of an obscuring veil, so as to disclose something that was formerly hidden. It is of a different order from our ordinary matter-of-fact knowing of the world in that the initiative lies with that which is known. In the revelatory process, the knower does not discover something; it is disclosed to him or her. This is the essential element to the idea of revelation: its gift-like character. 1 That this is St Paul’s self-understanding of revelation is evident from the following scripture verses which originated from him: Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Rom 16:25-27) What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived†¦God has revealed to us through the Spirit. (1 Cor 2:9-10) Disclosure vs Discovery In defining revelation, a distinction has been made between disclosure and discovery. These two words are not sufficiently differentiated in common speech. Yet the distinction is key to a proper understanding of revelation. As the following news report effectively illustrates, disclosure differs in meaning from discovery: The police had arrested a man of whose complicity in a crime they had much evidence. It was said in the paper that they had discovered certain facts about the man which pointed to his implication in the alleged crime. There was not, however, sufficient evidence to fasten it finally upon him. So they went to work upon him with several hours of continuous questioning, until at last he broke down and confessed. In the confession, said the paper, he disclosed to the police certain things which they had not discovered, which, indeed, almost certainly they could never, without the suspect’s aid, have laid bare at all. 2 So revelation is self-disclosure of God to humankind, not human discovery. It is a process initiated by God, not a human insight or achievement. In the revelatory experience, it is as if the holy breaks-in upon us. Necessity of Revelation Why is it necessary for God to make himself known? We can think of two considerations but there are several more. God is transcendent-he is wholly ‘other’. Thus, Kierkegaard speaks of ‘the infinite qualitative distinction’ between us and God. It should be noted that the distinction between God and us is a severe one. Giving his take on God’s transcendence, William Nicholls writes, ‘God differs from ourselves not merely in degree, as would be the case if we were both spirits and he the greatest of spirits, but in kind. He is above us not only morally but ontologically, as he is above everything else that he has made, far removed from us in the mystery of his divine being. He is above everything that we can conceive, and any image that we could form of him, even the highest mental image, would be a travesty of what he really is, an insult to the divine majesty. ’3 A number of scripture passages lend support to the concept of divine transcendence: ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways’, declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. ’ (Is 55:8,9) The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? (Ps 113:5,6). God is the hidden God, or to use a Latin expressionDeus absconditus. The subject of God’s hiding is quite intriguing. In a final conversation with Moses, God tells him, ‘I will certainly hide my face in that day because of all their wickedness in turning to other gods. ’ God’s hiddenness is a concept that cuts to the core of the psalmists’ understanding of God and of themselves (see Ps 10:11; 13:2; 88:15, 89:46, etc). The phenomenon of divine hiddenness is not unknown to Isaiah who cries out: â€Å"Truly you are a God who hides himself, O God of Israel, the Saviour. †(Isaiah 45:15). Given God’s transcendence and his hiddenness, God cannot be known other than by or through revelation. Validity Before we can proceed further we need to satisfy ourselves that it is reasonable to believe that there has been a revelation from God. If there has not been a revelation, and if God has not spoken then our discussion must end here. Gerald Downing understood how essential it was to ask after the question of whether revelation from God had been given. He devoted an entire book to the quest, and entitled it Has Christianity a Revelation? (1964). Unfortunately, Downing drew the conclusion that there has not been any revelation. As people of faith we can simply believe that divine revelation had been given. British theologian Austin Farrer has spoken that the â€Å"instinct of our faith†would react against any denial of revelation. But belief that God has revealed himself to humankind may be robustly defended as being philosophically valid. As Paley has argued: †¦given that there is a Godwho is by definition, goodand that the human race lies in ignorance of things important for them to know, it is a priori to some extent to be expected that God would give a revelation to men. Biblical Evidences It may be useful to look at some evidences in the Bible for our belief that God has indeed revealed himself. Here are just a few: God said to them (Aaron and Miriam), When a prophet of the LORD is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions; I speak to him in dreams†¦ With (Moses) I speak face to face†¦. †(Num 12:6-8). The LORD continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word. (1 Sam 3:21) The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. (Ps 98:2). I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. †(Is 65:1) Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey himto the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen. (Rom 16:25-27) In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to Gods holy apostles and prophets. (Eph 3:4-6) It is thus a fundamental Christian belief that God had revealed himself or information about himself. If God had not done so, we will have little knowledge about him. General Special Revelation In the field of Christian theology two types of divine communication are noted: one through the created order, and the other through God’s Word. We call the first type general revelation and the second special revelation. The two differ in their audiences and in their aims. General revelation is given to all peoples of all times, whether Christian or not. It is the fingerprint of God or marks left on the works of creation. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Ps 19:1) For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Rom 1:20) John Calvin taught that God had planted within all people a sense of divinity and that there are signs of God in nature but he held that our minds had become so dull through sin that we derived no profit from these manifestations. Special Revelation, on the other hand, is given to specific people at specific times. It is a message from God explaining his purpose, a special communication which discloses God’s character and his plans for human beings. Special revelation is both living and written-the living message came in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ; the written message comes in the Bible. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. (John 1:14) In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. (Heb 1:1-2) The usefulness of the distinction between general and special revelation has sometimes been questioned. The problem is not with the term ‘special revelation’ since this refers to divine disclosure through unique historical events. It is ‘general revelation’ that has been a source of controversy. If one is able to learn something about God from the created order, it is questionable whether revelation is needed at all. 4 Why then do we continue to speak of general revelation? We can use the term in a creative wayto point to the inadequacy of natural theology in revealing the fullness of the divine plan for human salvation. Inscripturation of Revelation In the account of revelation given above, we seem to be talking about directly given revelation. Actually the occurrences of such revelation are rare. The original disclosure of the holy belongs to times past. What about the experience of revelation for us who live many years removed from the original disclosure? John MacQuarrie uses the term ‘primordial’ revelation to distinguish it from ‘secondary’ revelation. By the former is meant that revelatory event upon which a community of faith is founded, and which becomes a pattern for experiences of the holy within that community. By secondary revelation is meant those events through which the primordial revelation becomes alive again for successive generations. After a primordial revelation had occurred, a record is made some time later. That record is what we now call scripture. The process is sometimes known as ‘inscripturation. ’ Today, we read that record in the midst of life’s events and sometimes as we do, the record comes alive and there is again a moment of revelation. Because revelation has been recorded as scripture, it is therefore a primary source of theology and therefore a basic category in theological thinking.
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